Watchmen (dir. Snyder)
Expected Release Date: 6th March
Starring: Billy Crudrup, Patrick Wilson, Carla Gugino, Jackie Earle Haley
Studio: Paramount Pictures
Snyder. Stylize. Sensationalize. Satisfy the hardcore Alan Moore legions?
300, Snyder’s last major feature split audiences right down the middle. On the one hand it’s a technical and visual wonder each sequence an artistic triumph writ with panache and verve but on the other hand it’s an acting hollow ground, all bellow and muscle, day tan and testosterone.
It’s public knowledge that Alan Moore wasn’t too happy with the direction the production was taking. At the same time, not-so-quiet whispers from the cast promised a darker adaptation was in the offing. Early trailers have confirmed simply that nothing can be confirmed. The stylings, similar to 300, except the pallette here consists of neon bleus rather than rustic rouges.
Nonetheless, the source material is a cherished work among graphic novelheads and so ballsing the film up doesn’t really weigh in as an option for Snyder. We can all but hope there is an equal serving of brain and brawn to make the film worthwhile.
Don’t forget Watchmen is released on 6th March, so only a few weeks before true judgement can be made.
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