When Harry Met Sally
Starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.
This has got to be the ultimate in romantic movies. What makes it so great? The fact that it is oh so real and definitely believable! The story revolves around a couple who ultimately end up together after a series of bad relationships and chance encounters.
The film is set over a period of around 12 years and sees the pair hate, tolerate, respect and eventually...love one another.
If it’s to listen Harry’s many insightful quotes on women and relationships, or to laugh at Sally’s fake orgasm, this is definitely one to watch. It appeals to both men and women of all ages and rings true in its depiction of love and relationships. Snuggle up close to your loved one and laugh the night away at this ever so cool rom-com. Then watch... (RM)

Starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio
It may be over a decade old, but this film will live on to be one of the biggest romantic films of all time. The film may be based on the story of the unsinkable ship, but it’s the story of this couple love that melts our hearts.
We all know the story of frustrated damsel Rose (Winslet) who is from an upper-class family whose whole life has centred around money, stature and reputation. Her unfulfilling life is turned upside down when she meets Jack (Di Caprio), a lower-class drifter who shows her that there is more to life than tea parties and social engagements.
Their story gives us hope, it gives us faith, that we can be who we want to be and still be loved. Though historically ridiculous, it conveys the message that there is someone out there for everyone and that even the shortest of love stories can be carried with you throughout the rest of your life. It will make you cry, thats for sure, but its a film that will never die in the hearts of the millions around the world caught in its spell. Pass me the tissues! (RM)
Moulin Rouge
Starring Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor
Moulin Rouge is an exuberant red-currant rich sorbet of ideas, performances, extravagance and showiness. Pop culture in two hours. What a film! How to describe it with such limitations. You don't want a thesis...
Baz Luhrmann creates such amazing images and his extensive palette of song and colour just creates a gorgeous meringue which is too sweet and heavenly to dismiss. Kidman and McGregor are terrific but this is all about the overall show. Watch it in high definition and you'll be blown away further...from Bastille to Battersea and everyone in between, it's a film to be adored. (NG)
Before Sunrise/Sunset
Starring Ethan Hawke & Julie Delpy
This double bill is the strongest and most resonant love parable of recent times. It triumphs Hollywood blockbusters and other BIG movie events in its intimacy and tenderness.
Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are simply fabulous and share such great chemistry they put the likes of Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio to shame. The first film, Before Sunrise, is youthful and elegaic whereas Before Sunset, shadows the maturity of its mid-aged and world worn protagonists (almost completely viewed in real time). The revelations lie in the screenplays which hop through family tales, politics, war, the environment and the unpredictable meandering streams of life.
On top of this, Before Sunset ends with what is possibly the greatest ending to a romantic drama EVVVVEEEER. It will stay with you through every positive and negative amoral experience in life. (NG)
And an indulgent 6th film...
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Starring Audrey Hepburn & George Peppard
She's the most beautiful of brats, a feline carousel and yet even the toughest cat can be tamed!

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